AA Adipic Acid in Polymer Adhesives for India Market

Publish Time: 2022-11-23     Origin: Site

AA Adipic Acid in Polymer Adhesives for India Market

AA -Adipic Acid is a mildly toxic, white, crystalline compound. The C6 straight-chain dicarboxylic acid is slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol and acetone. Nearly all commercial adipic acid is produced from cyclohexane in China.

Almost 90% of adipic acid is used in the production of nylon 66. The nylon66 is further processed into fibers for applications in carpeting, automobile tire cord, and clothing. Adipic acid is also used to make plasticizers and lubricant components.

There's large demands of AA in india market.

For more details, welcome to contact us info@ptmaadmixture.com.


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