Redispersible Latex Powder RDP Admixtures for Construction Mortar

Product Description

 Redispersible Latex Powder RDP

Redispersible latex powder (RDP) is a water-soluble redispersible powder. This RDP powder can be quickly dispersed into an emulsion after contact with water. It is an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer with special polyvinyl alcohol as a protective colloid EVA) rubber powder. It is composed of dispersible colloids such as polymer resin, additives (inside and outside), protective colloids, anti-caking agent and other raw materials, and then produced by spray drying process of redispersible (EVA) powder.


The RDP Powder is mainly used in construction, has outstanding bonding strength, improves the flexibility of the mortar and has a long opening time, gives the mortar excellent alkali resistance, improves the adhesion of the mortar, flexural strength, waterproofness, plasticity, In addition to abrasion resistance and workability, it is more flexible in flexible mortar.





White powder                               

Protective colloid


Solids contentwt%


Ash Contentwt%


Bulk densityg/l


Particle size

96%, 90Mesh

Minimum film forming temperature






Tile glue



Cement joint

Exterior wall thermal

Wall putty

Gypsum plaster

Cement wood glue

Selfleveling mortar

Remarks● better      ◎good

Package & Storage

Packing: 25kg/bag
Storage: It should be stored in a ventilated, cool and dry environment to prevent the sun and rain.
Shelf life: one year. If the film is still dissolved after the time limit, it can be used continuously.

Product Inquiry

VAE Re-Dispersible Polymer Powder Admixtures for Construction Mortar